Brakes, Alignment, and Shocks: Three Things Sabbatical Helps Us Regain

I was driving to meet some friends on a chilly night. I was close to the end of a beautiful sabbatical. My mind was clear, my stress levels were low, and my anticipation for the months ahead was high. When I saw the sign on the auto shop that read, “Brakes, Alignment, Shocks,” I chuckled. That’s exactly what the gift of sabbatical had given me—new brakes, new alignment, and new shocks.

Sabbatical as New Brakes

During a sabbatical, we learn to slow down from our frenetic pace. During this cosmic pause, almost every leader says, “I had no idea how fast I was going.” This speed tends to end poorly for us and those around us; we walk in the front door spun up from work, we try to answer emails on our phone on the way to the bathroom, and we crash into the weekend exhausted.

Most leaders like who they are becoming on sabbatical way more than who they were while they were working. Their spouses echo this. Sabbatical gives the leader a chance to turn the pace button down and dream about living at a slower pace when they return.

Have you ever stopped to think about how your pace is affecting you and those around you?

Sabbatical as New Alignment

We hit potholes as we live and lead. It’s inevitable. We don’t even realize we’re driving through our lives off-kilter. Something is off, but it’s hard to see it or feel it when we’re driving through our lives so quickly. We drift to the side of our lane, and our smooth driving has turned choppy.

Sabbatical helps the leader realign to the priorities that deeply matter to them. They can return to work with perspective and priorities with newfound smoothness.

What priorities have you unintentionally drifted from while leading?

Sabbatical as New Shocks

Challenges WILL happen in life and leadership. The question is not if they will happen, but how we will respond when they happen. Conflict, loss, and change are a few common challenges that come for every leader. During a sabbatical, a leader often gains a new groundedness that produces resilience. Small bumps that were once a big deal suddenly get absorbed quickly. These new shocks don’t negate the bumps and potholes, but they limit their impact.

After my recent sabbatical, I returned to a few painful “surprises.” This often happens to leaders as they return, so I was ready for it. But I didn’t spin up, stress, or blame anyone. I took the bumps as they came and gathered our team to create solutions. In that moment, I saw the gap between the old me and the new me so clearly.

One coaching client recently told me, “I’m completely different after sabbatical. It’s not like everything is perfect, but I’m responding to the issues with ease.” That’s the natural result of taking our car into the sabbatical shop and getting new brakes, alignment, and shocks.

What area of your leadership—brakes, alignment, or shocks—needs the most attention right now?

Where Do You Go From Here?

A well-planned sabbatical isn’t just time off—it’s an investment in your long-term leadership health. By slowing down (brakes), realigning (alignment), and building resilience (shocks), you can return to work not just refreshed, but transformed. If you’re considering a sabbatical, now is the time to take the first step toward renewal. Here’s how:

1. Join Our Monthly Webinars

We know that stepping into a sabbatical can feel overwhelming. That’s why we host Demystifying Sabbatical, a monthly learning experience designed to help leaders like you understand what makes a sabbatical truly transformative. Each session explores practical strategies to ensure both you and your organization thrive—before, during, and after your time away.

Sign up for our next session here.

2. Schedule a Sabbatical Clarity Session

Our Sabbatical Clarity Sessions are designed to help you navigate this journey with confidence. By completing our Sabbatical Services Request Form, you’ll connect with one of our experienced coaches who will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals. Together, we’ll create a personalized plan that aligns with your vision for renewal and growth.

3. Download Our Comprehensive Ebook

Discover how implementing a well-supported sabbatical program can rejuvenate not only your leadership but your entire organization. Our free ebook, 5 Reasons a Sabbatical Program Strengthens Your Organization: A Comprehensive Guide for Leaders, offers expert insights into promoting professional renewal, strengthening family connections, boosting financial stewardship, and creating a lasting positive cultural impact.

Download your free guide here.

Taking action today could mean a healthier, more sustainable future for both you and your organization.

Are you ready to step into renewal?


Alan Briggs

Founder | Lead Sabbatical Coach

Alan Briggs is dedicated to helping executive leaders create healthy cultures where they can thrive both at home and in their work. As the founder of Sabbatical Coaching Group, Alan brings a wealth of experience in culture coaching, sabbatical coaching, and anti-burnout training. He’s a sought-after speaker and the author of five books, including AntiBurnout, which explores lighter leadership for greater longevity.

When Alan isn’t coaching or writing, you can find him adventuring in the Rockies with his wife and four kids, or recording episodes for the Stay Forth Leadership Podcast. His passion is to help leaders achieve clarity and health in their lives, ensuring they return from sabbatical with renewed energy and vision.


Why Every Leader Needs a Radical Pause: The Hidden Benefits of Sabbaticals